December 13, 2015

Download game PC > Exorcist 3: Inception of Darkness

Game genre, OS:

Exorcist 3: Inception of DarknessIn the middle of a forested archaeological encampment surrounded by long deserted dwellings and artifacts, we again find Garret Ghostfighter. (…)

December 13, 2015

Game PC download > Laura Jones and the Gates of Good and Evil

Game genre, OS:

Laura Jones and the Gates of Good and EvilEnter the gates of Good and Evil with Laura Jones, the daughter of a famous adventure duo. On her way to the Portal, Laura must find six sacred keys in order to open the Gates. (…)

December 12, 2015

Games for PC > Mystery in London

Game genre, OS:

Mystery in LondonYour vacation to London turns into an investigation into one of its most notorious mysteries ever! (…)

December 12, 2015

Best games for PC > Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Game genre, OS:

Alice's Adventures in WonderlandAlice is bored sitting next to her sister who is reading a book without pictures … (…)

December 12, 2015

Games for Macs > Luxor Mah Jong

Game genre, OS:

Luxor Mah JongEmbark on an epic quest to recover the stolen treasures of Egypt. This Egyptian spin on a classic matching game will keep you searching the Ancient land for mysterious secrets and hidden chambers. (…)

December 12, 2015

Free games download for PC > Destination: Treasure Island

Game genre, OS:

Destination: Treasure IslandHelp Jim Hawkins find Long John Silver`s hidden treasure! Avoid dangerous and deadly traps set by the legendary pirate as you race against other adventurers and discover unimaginable riches! (…)

December 12, 2015

Free games download for PC > Blue Madonna: A Carol Reed Story

Game genre, OS:

Blue Madonna: A Carol Reed StoryWith a dead client, Carol hasn’t even got a case. And with so little information, she hasn’t got any clues either. But the last thing that Christina did was to ask for Carol’s help, so Carol figures that the least she could do is look into it. (…)

December 12, 2015

New PC games > Red Crow Mysteries: Legion

Game genre, OS:

Red Crow Mysteries: LegionYou have been chosen to defend all of mankind in Red Crow Mysteries: Legion! Stand up to a terrible evil and save humanity! Your extraordinary gift is also your biggest curse. (…)

December 12, 2015

Cheap PC games > Haunted Manor: Painted Beauties

Game genre, OS:

Haunted Manor: Painted BeautiesA peaceful day at the park becomes a journey into the surreal in Haunted Manor: Painted Beauties! You thought it would be fun to have your portrait painted by handsome young artist Stephan Black. (…)

December 12, 2015

Free download games for PC > Haunted Legends: The Undertaker Collector’s Edition

Game genre, OS:

Haunted Legends: The Undertaker Collector's EditionUnravel the mysterious undead curse in Haunted Legends: The Undertaker! A once-ordinary fishing village has been transformed into a nightmarish landscape, as the recently buried rise from their graves! (…)
